Monday, September 15, 2008

In Defense of Our Lady

The Belle C'ie was born of steel and fire, but died in dirt and blood. I don't care what they say about her crew. To hell with them. They weren't there with us. They didn't see what I saw. We held the line.

I don't usually talk about it. None of us do. But if you're asking about the Colonel's last battle, I'll tell you. I'll tell you everything. After that shit, after all is said and done, we did it for the Colonel.

The sent me up to that hillside with 48 hours of c-rats and 100 rounds. I didn't come down for five days. Five days of midnight raids. Five days of Striker bomb runs and trench fighting. I was chewing grass and licking dew by the time it was over, but I didn't give one damned foot to those scum.

We held the God-damned line.

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